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You are not alone. 

How can Counselling and Psychotherapy help? 


1. How do you think you might feel, if someone, who is not involved in your life, listens to you without getting upset or angry, without judging you or trying to fix you? Feels like a relief?

The beautiful thing about it is, this kind of listening and accompanying can offer you space in order to really get to the bottom of things and can allow authentic, honest expression… and with that… forward flow. 


2. Therapy is a safe, confidential space for you to really explore yourself fully and freely in all of your aspects. You can share in particular those things you might be too embarrassed or scared to share with others.

How would it feel to be fully accepted for who you are?

You could be travelling a lot lighter.


3. Knowledge is power. Understanding yourself better can be very helpful in order to navigate difficult situations and remain self-compassionate.

Counselling can offer precious knowledge about yourself, relationships and life in general.

Once this awareness has been gained, you can’t “lose” it again.

It’s an active learning process, which can support you in moving closer to yourself and closer to a fresh edge in life. It’ll be individual to you and there is no “wrong way” of doing it.

Light House on the Cliff

“Life has lost its sweetness”

“My past keeps coming up and it’s overwhelming me at times.”

“I’m stuck.”

“What is wrong with me? Why can’t I (….)?”

Cyclist Through Rubble

“I’m so insecure and wish I could be different”

“Since I lost my (…..), I find it really difficult to cope with everything.”

“I feel anxious a lot, even when there is no obvious reason.” 

Girl Sitting

“I often feel lonely and empty.”

“Sometimes I’m not in control of my body.”

“Relationships are hard work and really complicated.”

"I'm not good enough."

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