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A special passion of mine is Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing, as it can greatly assist in becoming aware of our felt sense and body's wisdom.

Our bodies and our precious felt sense have been marginalised nowadays, particularly in our Western World. Unfortunately, this is also often the case in talk-therapies.

Focusing can be an amazing way to “find your way home” and reconnect with your physical state, be it well or unwell. Focusing is based on the conviction, that your body holds wisdom and truths in it and that our somatic experience (physical sensations) should not be viewed as separate from or lesser than our thoughts and feelings.

When you get angry, you might notice a sensation of heat in your body. This is your nervous system in action. Mind and body are inseparable and when separated for too long, both suffer.

Feelings and somatic expressions are solidly linked and equally as important. Sometimes, due to conditioning, we can be so disconnected from our bodies, that we get an uncomfortable sense of being “highjacked” by our bodies at certain times.

Focusing can support you in connecting with all of your parts.

This can assist when feeling overwhelmed by a particular reaction continuously, i.e. anger, fear or anxiety,

Focusing can re-establish a sense of familiarity and safety within the body, which leads to more confidence, connection and security.

“The first key to lasting life change is being in a relationship of compassion and strength with your emotional states” – Ann Weiser Cornell

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